Saturday 31 December 2016

Sunday 29 May 2016

Maths tips and tricks

The 12 Times Table

Please select row & column its easy
For Instance, Row 10 and Column 5 = 10X5 = 50 you can do easily

What About the 12 Times Table?

Sounds tough, but once you have mastered the 10× table, it is just a few steps away.
Firstly, 11× is mostly easy: from 11×2 to 11×9 you just put the two digits together. 11×2=22, 11×3=33, ..., 11×9=99.
And of course 2×, 5× and 10× just follow their simple rules you know already, so it just leaves these to remember:
  • 3×12=36,
  • 4×12=48,
  • 6×12=72,
  • 7×12=84,
  • 8×12=96,
  • 9×12=108
And the "Big 3":
  • 11×11=121,
  • 11×12=132 and
  • 12×12=144

Tricks by Number

to multiply
add the number to itself (example 2×9 = 9+9)
the last digit goes 5, 0, 5, 0, ...
is always half of 10× (Example: 5x6 = half of 10x6 = half of 60 = 30)
is half the number times 10 (Example: 5x6 = 10x3 = 30)
when you multiply 6 by an even number, they both end in the same digit.
Example: 6×2=12, 6×4=24, 6×6=36, etc
the last digit goes 9, 8, 7, 6, ...

your hands can help! Example: to multiply 9 by 8, hold your 8th finger down, and count "7" and "2", the answer is 72
is 10× the number minus the number. Example: 9×6 = 10×66 = 60−6 = 54
when you add the answer's digits together, you get 9.
Example: 9×5=45 and 4+5=9. (But not with 9×11=99)
put a zero after it
up to 9x11: just repeat the digit (Example: 4x11 = 44)
for 10x11 to 18x11: write the sum of the digits between the digits
Example: 15x11 = 1(1+5)5 = 165
Note: this works for any two-digit number, but when the sum of the digits is more than 9, we need to"carry the one". Example: 75x11 = 7(7+5)5 = 7(12)5 = 825.
is 10× plus 2×

How to Improve Your Child's General Knowledge

How to Improve Your Child's General Knowledge

General knowledge is an important part of intelligence and this is connected with knowledge and awareness. In this competitive world possessing general knowledge is very important for all of us. Read on to learn how you can help your child improve his general knowledge.

Nowadays children have a lot to study in school and the academic workload has almost made them stay away from improving their general knowledge. Although for a child general knowledge might seem an additional subject that they have to study, general knowledge is an indicator of intelligence. It will not only help your child understand the world and people around him, but also make him more interesting to talk to.

The best way to help your child improve his general knowledge is provide him with games that are designed for this purpose. General knowledge games actually provide both fun and ability to explore things around. Games encourage interests in children and encourage them to learn from mistakes that they make while playing or while sharing strategies with friends and family members.

How to Improve Your Child’s General Knowledge

Here are some tips which you can follow to improve general knowledge of your kid.

Be Realistic in Approach

No one could be perfect in all fields. So, it is advisable to find out the interest area of your child and then help him gather as much knowledge as his age would accept in that field.

Buy Books and Other Resources

If your child is small, you should buy him books that support the subject. Also buy your child the books with the help of which he can test from time to time his knowledge and awareness.

General Knowledge Games

General knowledge can help give your kids that head start for life that they need. It will not just boost their interest in things going around, but also expose them to the information that is useful for them.

Play Audio and Video Materials

You can play these materials during any free time or when your child is in good mood. This will help him grasp information and retain them in their minds as well.

Read the Stories or News

Even though you think that your child is very young and would not understand things, you can read out the news or portion of knowledge and awareness in which he would be interested. This will increase his interest and eventually he will start reading newspaper which is a great source of improving general knowledge.

Pay Attention to Memory Boosting

Simply gathering knowledge about things is not important if your child is not able to retain or make use of it when required. So, more than justspending quality time, you should read him information and also follow up after some time to find out whether he remembers things or not.

Establish a Routine

Although this might seem to most of you like making your child attain knowledge compulsorily, this is important. You can make the routine in your day schedule and make sure you take out time and revise things with your child along with feeding him with new information.

Ensure that Your Child Gets Quality Sleep

Quality sleep in not just essential for your child’s health and well being, but also helps retain information in mind efficiently. This helps the brain retrieve and assimilate facts that it assembled during the day.

Encouraging Child to Socialise

Socialising with children of same age will help your child improve his general knowledge on different issues.
Traditionally kids were taught general knowledge and parents took great interest in this work. Today, there are many other resources along with many interactive games to help your kids enhance their general awareness.

How to keep a child’s general knowledge updated? Why is it essential for children to have general knowledge? Which activities can help in improving general knowledge of children? 

Kids Knowledge and Thinking Skills

Building Children's Background Knowledge and Thinking Skills 
The more children know about their world, the easier it is for them to read and learn when they get to school. You have an important role to play in helping children learn new information, ideas, and vocabulary and how to use this knowledge to become full participants in their own learning. You can help children to connect new information and ideas to what they already know and understand.
It is important for young children to be able to:
  • Know about what things are and how they work.
  • Learn information about the world around them.
  • Extend their use of language and develop vocabulary.
  • Develop children's abilities to figure things out and to solve problems.
Here are some things that you can do to help children build knowledge:
  • Provide them with opportunities to develop concepts by exploring and working with familiar classroom equipment and materials in a variety of ways. and materials in a variety of ways.
    • Children learn about substances and changes in substances by cooking.
    • Children learn about plants by planting seeds and taking care of the growing plants.
    • Children learn about social situations and interactions through real interactions and dramatic play.
  • Share informational books.
    • Children enjoy learning about their world. They enjoy looking at books about things of interest to them perhaps how plants grow, how baby animals develop, or how vehicles carry people and things. Fortunately, many wonderful informational books are available today books with spectacular photographs or illustrations and descriptions that children can understand easily.
  • Teach the children new words and concepts. Explain new vocabulary in the books that you read with them. Teach them and name all of the things in the classroom. In everyday talk with children, introduce words and concepts that they may not know, for example, beauty or fairness.
Teacher Talk
  • It's silent time now. Silent means that we don't say anything.
  • Look at the seeds we planted. They're sprouting! See how the seedling is pushing through the dirt? See the tiny green leaves?
  • Have children write, draw, build, and engage in dramatic play. These experiences will help the children to incorporate what they are learning with what they already know.
  • Take the children on field trips. Any time children go some place, especially some place new to them, they can learn something. Even if it is just a walk around the block, children can learn something new if you talk with them. Point out things they might not notice. Explain events that are taking place. Answer the questions the children have and praise them for looking and learning. Before you go to a place the children have never been, such as a zoo or a museum, discuss what they will be seeing and learning. After the trip, have the children talk about their experiences.
Teacher Talk
  • See that sign? It says stop. "S-t-o-p."
  • Look! You see the round, brown thing up there in the branches? That's a bird's nest up in the tree. I wonder if there are any baby birds in the nest?
  • See that bulldozer? It's that big machine with a big blade in front of it. It's clearing out a place where they're going to build a new house.
  • Today, we're going to go to a special park. There are some statues in the park. Before we go, let's look at some pictures of statues and talk about them. When we get back, I want you to tell me what statues you saw.

  • Provide a variety of materials for your children to explore. For example, wire, cardboard, water, tubes, tissue paper, and funnels.
  • Invite visitors to your classroom.
    • Classroom visitors can teach your children a great deal. They can bring interesting objects or animals to talk about with the children. Visitors can talk about their jobs or their hobbies or show pictures of faraway places they have seen or tell stories about life long ago.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Knowledge Sharing ideas



Sharing is the only way people can learn – think about it: the only reason you know what you know is because someone took the time to share their knowledge with you. Sharing your own business intelligence with your tribe is no doubt the best way to help them grow and develop.

“In a classroom we teach our kids sharing knowledge is cheating. We need to move from the idea that knowledge is power, to knowledge is the supreme social embedded experience,”

“Knowledge is something that happens between people, it’s the sharing of our common experiences.”

It is often said that it is essential to create a "Knowledge Sharing Culture" as part of a Knowledge Management initiative

Kids Initiative and sharing ideas :- How to made purse from leaf 

In this video kids made great ideas from leaf and made purse.I am really proud from his learning and decided to sharing this ideas .

When people need to find information or answer a question, whether personal or work-related, today’s first stop is often the Internet. That instinct holds true for field service everyone, too, as answers are a Google search away on a everyone’s smartphone or tablet. The challenge for modern field service managers is how to capture and share this helpful information, whether the source is an online forum or the internal knowledge base.