Saturday 14 May 2016

Knowledge Sharing ideas



Sharing is the only way people can learn – think about it: the only reason you know what you know is because someone took the time to share their knowledge with you. Sharing your own business intelligence with your tribe is no doubt the best way to help them grow and develop.

“In a classroom we teach our kids sharing knowledge is cheating. We need to move from the idea that knowledge is power, to knowledge is the supreme social embedded experience,”

“Knowledge is something that happens between people, it’s the sharing of our common experiences.”

It is often said that it is essential to create a "Knowledge Sharing Culture" as part of a Knowledge Management initiative

Kids Initiative and sharing ideas :- How to made purse from leaf 

In this video kids made great ideas from leaf and made purse.I am really proud from his learning and decided to sharing this ideas .

When people need to find information or answer a question, whether personal or work-related, today’s first stop is often the Internet. That instinct holds true for field service everyone, too, as answers are a Google search away on a everyone’s smartphone or tablet. The challenge for modern field service managers is how to capture and share this helpful information, whether the source is an online forum or the internal knowledge base.

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